Chapter 2: SNOW DAYS!

Completely snowed in, meaning I've been unable to go to work (I'm devastated somewhere... deep ...deep down). This means the unthinkable has happened; I've actually painted things. The amount of stuff sitting on my desk half way painted has been annoying me recently, so I decided to get that all out of the way before getting started on anything else. meaning I actually made some progress on my Death Guard/ Nurgle army for the first time in months.
On the sadder side, my new airbrush hasnt arrived yet, so I had to do everything with a paintbrush, with my dodgy handy, meaning they're messy as all fuck. But models have paint on them and I'll call it a win.. Horticulous Slimux on his snail is a pretty fantastic model though, and I may repaint him less shit at some point. He's game playable now though. Ready to cut some heads off with his giant shears

Unfortunately these are all the small daemons :(

Also primed stuff like mad while I was stuck indoors, 44 cultists ready for the barest amount of paint I can possibly give them. Sure they're just there to get blasted off the board anyway... Have to get better at speedpainting things though, units like this usually take me forever...

Orc for scale

To assist with this new bout of productivity, I decided to throw a kanban board together to keep track of everything hobby related I have to do, which has the benefit of feeling fantastic when you get to move something over; with the negative of being able to see how much you have to do at all times....

Look at this monstrosity

Considering the amount of shame drawers full of models I dont actually think its too bad of a list. I'm sure I have a ton of stuff I couldnt remember though and wasnt digging through all this to find them..

Orc shame drawer. This one has been bringing me shame for many years now...

Tyranid Shame drawer

Death Guard shame drawer. This one is actually looking way better than it was

All in all, I'm feeling pretty productive after all this work and feel like I'm actually making a dint in all the stuff I have to do. Now  I'm hoping to be able to keep up the progress as long as GW doesnt decide to release anyth-

Oh... I see... (removes wallet while crying)... It was a good run of backlog cleaning while it lasted...

Currently Painting:
Death Guard Lord of Contagion
Spiteclaws Swarm
Chosen Axes

On the Backlog:
Ironskulls Boys
Sepulchral Guard
(awaiting airbrush for both these)

On the back backlog:
Less Death Guard stuff, may move them up in priority and have an actual real life army


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