Chapter 1: Paint Necromancy
Considering I spend all my free time these days painting/spending money on things to paint, I decided to create this so I can ramble on without clogging up peoples Facebook stories with a load of shite that they don't care about.
Now it will only be one post from this blog that they don't care about. #topmate. Mostly its just a way of keeping track of whats on my painting table and being able to refer back and judge myself on not getting anything done
So I've joined the ranks of airbrush enthusiasts recently, and have decided to remedy a terrible issue with GW paints. They're in a stupid pot and the designer is a communist. How am I meant to get it in there?
Amazon came to the rescue with a load of really cheap dropper bottles. They've been sitting in a drawer for months, periodically being stolen by my daughter to chew on.
Today, given that I had some free time at last, I decided to tackle this monstrosity, and see if I could save some of my old paints from yesteryear
Now it will only be one post from this blog that they don't care about. #topmate. Mostly its just a way of keeping track of whats on my painting table and being able to refer back and judge myself on not getting anything done
So I've joined the ranks of airbrush enthusiasts recently, and have decided to remedy a terrible issue with GW paints. They're in a stupid pot and the designer is a communist. How am I meant to get it in there?
You'd think they'd have overcome this problem by now...
Amazon came to the rescue with a load of really cheap dropper bottles. They've been sitting in a drawer for months, periodically being stolen by my daughter to chew on.
Today, given that I had some free time at last, I decided to tackle this monstrosity, and see if I could save some of my old paints from yesteryear
The drawer of shame, and paint
Some of the paints in here are 15 years old and were therefore dried to bits. A few were un-salvageable :(
"Hail, the victorious dead"
Came away after salvaging about 20 different paints, and at 3.30 a pop, it was a pretty decent saving. Plus they're all colours that are out of production, and the replacement colours are mostly rubbish. Warlock Purple is my jam
60 resurrected euro
Shadespire is taking up most of my painting time over the last week or two. Really rushed out the first two warbands to get them ready to play, so they're a bit "rough". Trying to go a new route with it anyway, rather than obsessing over colours over and over, until I no longer want to paint them, I'm basically just sitting down and throwing colour at them until they're done. Seems to have lead to actual completed models. Considering the size of my painting backlog, thats an accomplishment in itself.
Garrek and the boys (none of which is a girl)
I'd be more unhappy with these guys if they were a faction I'd considered playing. They just come with the box. They're really bad in fact, but not too bad for a weeks work. Havent had much time to dedicate to them since I got them and also wanted to get some games in. (Plus I'm not some animal who will play with unpainted models). They'll do the job for the moment. I'm somewhat more worried about how much progress I'll make on the others, who I actually want to play...
At the moment, I've made the test model for the Orc team. I'm happy enough with it, managed to work in some armour damage, which I rarely bother with. Really simple and adds a lot to the model I think. The red and his skin may need further highlighting, I'll try it with the other 3 and see how they look.
On the workbench
At the moment, I've made the test model for the Orc team. I'm happy enough with it, managed to work in some armour damage, which I rarely bother with. Really simple and adds a lot to the model I think. The red and his skin may need further highlighting, I'll try it with the other 3 and see how they look.
I didnt notice I hadnt finished the symbol on the axe till I looked at this :/
So at the minute, I have to get through the other 3 orcs, before moving onto the dwarf lads. The boss will give me a good opportunity to do a bit of wet blending, which I've been meaning to practice for ages...
These sculpts really make the black orcs (ironjaws big un's) look a bit rubbish
Hoping to get through these quickly so I can move onto these bad boys. Have a couple of cool ideas for how to paint them that I'm looking forward to trying. Havent actually painted a dwarf slayer since I was 14, so it should be good craic
Unreasonably sized axe aside, these models make most others look like they were sculpted by a blind woodsman
Currently painting:
Ironskulls Boyz
Ironskulls Boyz
Chosen axes
On the backlog:
On the backlog:
Spiteclaws swarm
Sepulchral Guard
On the back backlog:
Sepulchral Guard
On the back backlog:
All Death Guard/Nurgle Daemons
All Tyranids
Will get to eventually(maybe):
May not live to see completed:
All Tyranids
Will get to eventually(maybe):
May not live to see completed:
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