Hey, I remember this thing

Deciding to revitalize this once again as I may have forgotten about it... for a year.

But I'm busy and lay off with your pressure

So anyways, looking over my last post, I believe I haven't painted a single thing I said I would, so that's good. Distracted by all sorts of things in the model painting world.

I've largely refocused my efforts onto Age of Sigmar as fantasy was always my first miniatures love. As much as I like the death guard for 40k, I'm just not as enthused about painting them.

Although on that score things are going ok - ish. And by that I mean I have 10 plaguebearers to go before I get to 30, and I'll likely not go further than that. They're a bit monotonous to paint. My daemon component is looking pretty cool if I say so myself. Need to get one of the bigger guys to really feel like its progressing though

I actually think I've progressed a lot in the last while so 10 of these are a lot better than the other 10, and am hoping the last 10 are even better than that. The glory of nurgle means you dont actually need them to look great though

So on a different tangent I've been trying to work through the Blackstone Fortress set also, coz it seems cool and I thought it could be something my fiance and I could play without trying to guilt her into playing warhammer with me. Lots of models so its quite slow going. I think I'll try and prioritise this for a bit to get some of them out of the way though. Once some more of the chaff troop lads are done I'll feel like a bit more progress is done

This is all my progress on this so far. The guys in the back right are also done but I havent had time to get their bases sorted. Using clay to make them and I have to put it in the oven, which is lots of effort. Happy enough anyway. Think the front guys are actually pretty good. 1 more hero and some chaff guys and I'll be game ready

In other news, Games Workshop have decided to update and release new goblin models, which is awesome. Orcs and Goblins were my very first warhammer models, about 20 years ago. I got a box set of them for christmas when I was about 11 and completely ruined them. It was great. But I've been pretty much collecting them ever since, but its been on a long hiatus until recently.

To get myself a bit more hyped about them I decided to do something I've been meaning to do for years, and update the paint on my arachnarok spider, as it was garbage. Just gave the spider itself a freshening up, but feel now like I should have done the shanty thing on top too, as that looks a bit crap. It will do for the moment at least

Had lots of cool plans for the base, including some flowing water but the stuff I was using wouldnt dry clear for me so after 2 attempts and about 2 weeks work I just gave up. This this looks ok though. Made some Dwarf looking ruins to add to my goblin bases as I think its pretty cool/thematic looking

Another thing I decided to do was to get some paint on my old Skarsnik model. He's basically my favorite warhammer character of all time, and while he's not in the game anymore, you can still use his model as a generic dude. I'd likely have put more effort in if he was still a special character but painted is still way better than not painted.

Will try and go back later and redo his spear. I used these weird alcohol weathering liquids and I dont like how they came out. Have some acrylics that I want to try in their place.

Aside from that I have a bunch of stuff I've managed to get done in the last few months. Not as much as I'd like but hoping to get a bit more progress in. Work is slightly more settled now so no more spending evenings stressing about a new job, and the little one is sleeping a bit more reliably. So hopefully this progress happens. Also hoping to progress into getting a few actual games in. I've noticed a severe lack of socialisation since I quit playing magic and hoping I can get some games of this in so I can actually get out of the house and see people. My local game store doesnt really have much of an Age of Sigmar scene, so I may have to go back to frequenting Games Workshop *shudder*. But if any of you lovely folks want to play/learn to play, let me know and I'd love to grab a game of AOS/40K/Kill Team/Blackstone or whatever with some friendly faces. Likely have multiple armies for every game so I can provide everything. Observe the gallery of triumph!

May have gone a bit overboard on the weathering with these guys but I think they look ok. Plus I think they may actually be pretty fun in the game now. They used to be really crap

1/5 Putrid Blightkings done. This was done a while ago and I never really got around to the others but I really like how he turned out. Will get to the others and then I think I'll have the bones of a good start on an Age of Sigmar nurgle army

Right, so this one actually isnt finished. Still the snake body and the large ones skin to do, but I like it so far and its hard to get motivated to paint something that you sort of bought as a spur of the moment for an army you dont collect. I have no idea what I'm going to do with this one. It will likely just be a dust collector

So I got these with great intentions, got two batches of the soul wars core set in fact to get extras with the hope of getting a good nighthaunt army going. Got 8 models finsihed and realised that I was having absolutely no fun painting them... like, at all. So I've put them on the backburner for now. I actually even sold some of them as having two lots of everything was silly. I like how they came out. Dunno what it was about them...

As a new thing I've been thinking of, I've decded to try and paint a 75mm model too, which is a lot bigger and fancier than anything I've tried before. I backed a kickstarter for a load of resin models, and will hopefully start with this one. Going to try and stretch myself a bit and try some non metallic metal effects on him. I really like the sculpt

The goblin guy isnt actually that big but the troll head has a lot of surface to it. Scared/excited for this one

Thats all the progress for now. Will hopefully not leave it a year until the next one

Currently painting:
10 Plaguebearers
7 Plague Marines
10 Night Goblins
1 Blackstone Fortress Guy


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